Less than a month to return the hunting season; from 18 October until January 6, Tuesdays, Thursdays and holidays are marked for hunting enthusiasts days. Hunting activity has a peculiarity in the Spanish North: still a united practice to rural life and practiced by ordinary people, while further south, in the land of estates, the profile of the hunter changes. The pieces that can be charged in the Galician mountains and forests during the hunting season are the wild boar, roe deer, the wild rabbits and partridges. The dishes prepared with these dams are attached to the traditional Galician cuisine. From October to January we can find villages and towns where days of exaltation of these foods, especially the delicious wild boar are organized. An autumn hunting, an approach to the Galician larder.
Bushmeat has a more intense than that obtained from animals farmed flavor. This happens for two reasons: the first has to do with the natural feeding and mobility over the life of the animal. Thus, we find that the meat has a harder texture and a somewhat darker than the supermarket meat color. The redness can also result from the way in which the animal is sacrificed. In addition, bushmeat has a more intense aroma.
The game pieces are divided into two categories: feathered game and hair. Hunting in Galicia is basically hair, but also are partridges and pheasants.
If we feathered game, we consume three or four days so that the meat is tender and win in shades of flavors. It is important to retain the pieces feathers so far in which going to consume. The cooking is varied although the stewed partridge is a simple and delicious dish.
Meanwhile, the big game requires more processing. The fibers are so hard a trick to soften meat is frozen after by shredding. A bit like the octopus.
If we make a stew with wild boar, we have to marinate the meat before cooking. There are several ways to prepare a marinade, a mixture of red wine quality, critical juice, herbs like thyme and laurel ... We leave the meat for several days in the refrigerator while Navy prior to cooking.
As in her previous post talked about seasonal products, we took the opportunity to mention delicious recipes boar with some of the fruits of autumn.
The boar with any type of puree is one of the classics of traditional stoves Galicia. Although they are dishes that require a lot of preparation seasonality make it very appetizing.
A classic fall recipe is the wild boar with chestnut puree.
They cleaned and cut into large pieces with marinade spices and vegetables all mixed into a bowl of wild boar and white wine. Allow to marinate for 4 days while we turn the meat every five hours and add more white wine so it does not dry.
After the maceration time (4 days), the meat is drained and browned in the slow red squid along with the two pieces of bacon. Once the meat golden, add the red wine and cook for an hour and three quarters. After an hour and fifteen minutes, then add the chestnuts, fresh, peeled and whole, and cook for about half an hour. Avoid throw it away for the presentation.
When the boar is cooked, remove the vegetables from the marinade and grind, and get a puree.