Carnival is celebrated as a transfer to the domains of tradition: the urban carnival of Venice are like an exhibition of urban refinement against debauchery and culture of the exhibition and the waste that remains in rural areas. And this is where we are at this end and western corner of Europe. Where carnival is called Entroido, banquet and party for the senses.
With the new year, we decided to soften our hearts and let the kitsch or sentimental marketing efforts do not affect us both time to show our brothers and sisters in life that are important to us. If you do not have this practice of Valentine, or their successful first time, here we leave a little guide. A Valentine for beginners.
Throughout the month of August was held in the region the days of exaltation of the Herbón pepper. Oscar Vidal, the young master chef Asador O'Pazo, attended the party the way he knows how: with delightful surprises. This time the presentation was with (more) jury than usual. Along the demanding customers we enjoy with several gastrobloggers willing to issue verdict in front of the menu they were.
September approaches and the time of harvest and vintage. After passing through one of the sunniest summers we remember the rains of recent weeks were essential to address the grape harvest with optimism. The grapes, their selection process and collection and processing of the broth up one of the most beloved ritual in wine production areas of Galicia. Today we approach the Albariño grape and the Designation of Origin Rias Baixas.